
What is the Windsor

Neighborhood Plan?

The Windsor Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) is all about developing a shared vision for  the neighbourhood and to develop local planning policies which enable developments which reflect local peoples wishes.

Note: The WNP Area  covers most of the suburban area of the town.  It does NOT cover the town centre area or Town centre riverside area which is covered by Windsor2030 NP Area.

Development of the WNP

The Windsor Neighbourhood Plan has been in development since 2014.

It has been through many stages of Consultation. Here is the process:

An initial "issues" consultation where we gathered information about planning concerns.

A Vision Mission and Objectives Consultation.

An Options Consultation.

A Pre-Submission Version 1 Consultation

A Strategic Environmental Assessment

 A Pre-Submission Version 2 Consultation.

Regulation 14, 15 and 16 Consultations.




The WNP is able to nominate Assets of Community Value, Local Green Spaces, and Non-designated Heritage Assets to The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead for consideration for "Local listing".  If accepted by RBWM then these Assets have some protection against development.

Windsor Royal Theatre and Alexandra Gardens have already been nominated (by The Windsor & Eton Society) and accepted. The WNP will also be happy to nominate other assets that local people consider important if they meet the eligibility criteria. You can read more about these by clicking here.

Please complete the WNP Community Asset Nomination Form to suggest items to us for consideration. You must include your name and postcode. We will pass ones which are eligible on to RBWM.

Why do a Neighbourhood Plan?

The broad purpose of Neighbourhood Plans is to plan for sustainable development of the economy, society, and the environment within a Neighbourhood Plan area. Neighbourhood Plans can't stop development but they can help to shape  it. It is the community’s opportunity to have a greater say on the planning decisions made in our area over the next 10-15 years. Here is a great video to explain what it's all about.

The plan, when developed, will first be tested for conformity to national and local plans, and to ensure that it meets the basic conditions of NPs. The plan will then be put to a Referendum among voters in the local NP area. A majority of voters in favour of the plan means that it will then become part of planning law in Windsor, and will need to be taken into account by officials when deciding upon planning applications in the area.

For more information on Neighbourhood Plans, please visit the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenheads website pages on Neighbourhood Planning.

There is also a Business Neighbourhood Plan being prepared for Windsor Town Centre by the Windsor 2030 Forum. The WNP has no jurisdiction over the town centre area (see Map) See  www.windsor2030.org for more information on the Town Centre plans.