
Windsor Neighbourhood

Plan Forum

The production of our Neighbourhood Plan is being led by a Neighbourhood Forum which is made up of members of the Windsor community including local residents, business owners and people who work in the area designated by our plan boundary. The Forum has elected a Committee of  7 members to manage the creation of the WNP, led by two Co-chairs.

As well as managing the production of the Neighbourhood Plan, a key part of the Neighbourhood Forum’s responsibility is to ensure that the greatest possible consultation takes place with the community, so that the final plan is genuinely shaped by local residents and represents their views. It has been doing this by arranging community events, consultations and surveys and, of course, through this website.

The Neighbourhood Forum will also need to iron out any conflict between different views, and to make sure that our plan is realistic and robust.

To ensure good practice and transparency, a written Neighbourhood Forum Constitution has been drawn up, which it has to adhere to throughout the process.

The best way to contact us and to learn more about the Windsor Neighbourhood Plan is to email or phone Claire Milne or John Bastow, Windsor Plan Co-Chairs on  07932 635580

For general enquiries about Planning Policy contact the RBWM Planning policy Department on 01628 798888

The Topic Groups

At the start of this process, we formed 4 Topic Groups to understand and work on the main planning issues.  These were as listed on the right hand side.


The volunteers in these Groups researched and met regularly, reporting back to the Forum at intervals.  Their final Topic Group reports are listed in Section 5 - Documents.  This research and output helped to shape the key themes in our Plan and the subsequent in depth research and discussion helped to form our priorities and our policies.

Housing and Heritage - Community and the Built Environment

Leader: Andrew Melville

Business - Shopping and Tourism

Leader: Claire Milne

Transport - Parking and Getting Around

Leaders: Ian Bacon & John Bastow

Open Space, Natural Environment, Countryside and Leisure

Leader: Susy Shearer

Committee Members

Claire Milne & John Bastow


Susy Shearer


Financial Officer

John Bastow



Jane Carter


Heritage Officer

Alison Logan


Press Officer

Helen Price

Website Manager

Cori Mackin

Forum Members

Members of WNP Forum as of 5th March 2018 (36)

  • Vivienne Allen
  • Ian Bacon
  • John Bastow
  • George Bathhurst
  • Brian Carter
  • Jane Carter
  • Pauline Carter
  • Kevin Chapman
  • Carole Da Costa
  • Wisdom Da Costa
  • Jane Daly
  • Franco De Luca
  • David Eglise
  • Ingrid Fernandes
  • Theresa Haggart
  • Lynn Healy
  • John Holdstock
  • Curt Hopkins
  • Hilary Hopper
  • David Jessey
  • Emma Kenny
  • Bob Kiralfy
  • Malcolm Lock
  • Alison Logan
  • Cori Mackin
  • Andrew Melville
  • Claire Milne
  • Raewyn Porteous
  • Helen Price
  • Brian Rayner
  • Trevor Robinson
  • Susy Shearer
  • Anne Taylor
  • Margery Thorogood
  • Peter Wilkinson
  • Frances Williams